The Moonstone Brooch Cast of Characters & Author Notes


Akeem: Erik’s manservant, husband of Maira (first appeared in The Bloodstone Brooch)

Benoit, Remy: former Army medic (first appeared in The Topaz Brooch)   

Brodie, Paul: assistant and friend of James Cullen Fraser, Columbia graduate, son of Erik (first appeared in The Sunstone Brooch)

Davidson, Robert: nephew of Violet Davidson in 1901 Buffalo

Davidson, Violet: Clay’s landlady in 1901 Buffalo

Duffy, Christopher: father of Emily Duffy, husband of Frances Duffy (first appeared in The Sunstone Brooch)

Duffy, Emily: doctor, daughter of Christopher and Frances Duffy (first appeared in The Three Brooches)

Duffy, Frances Barrett: mother of Emily Duffy, wife of Christopher Duffy (first appeared in The Ruby Brooch)

Fraser, Elliott: husband of Meredith Montgomery, father of James Cullen and Kevin Allen Fraser, Chairman of the Board of the MacKlenna Corporation, retired equine vet (appears in all Brooch books)

Fraser/Stuart, Erik “The Viking”: father of Ensley Williams, Tavis and Mark Stuart, David McBain, and Paul Brodie (first appeared in The Topaz Brooch)

Fraser, James “JC” Cullen: son of Elliott Fraser and Meredith Montgomery, Harvard graduate, lawyer (first appeared in The Last MacKlenna)

Fraser, Kevin: husband of JL O’Grady-Fraser, father of Blane and Lance, son of Elliott Fraser, half brother of James Cullen Fraser, MacKlenna Corporation CFO (appears in all Brooch books except The Ruby Brooch)

Fraser, Sten: evil twin brother of Erik (mentioned only, first appeared in The Sunstone Brooch)

Hamilton, Craig: President McKinley’s Secretary of the Treasury, Sarah’s father

Hamilton, Kristen Montgomery: wife of Craig Hamilton, Sarah’s mother, Kit and Cullen’s daughter

Hamilton, Sarah: nurse, daughter of Mr. Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury  

Grant, Amber: wife of Daniel Grant, stepmom of Noah, mother of Heather (first appeared in The Amber Brooch)

Grant, Daniel: husband of Amber Grant, father of Noah (first appeared in The Amber Brooch)

Kelly, Matt: husband of Elizabeth Kelly, father of Amber and Olivia, lawyer (first appeared in The Amber Brooch)

Kennedy, Aislinn: fiancée of Tavis Stuart, archaeologist (first appeared in The Bloodstone Brooch)

Knox, Michael: businessman in 1901 Buffalo

LaCasse, Noah: Teddy Roosevelt’s Adirondack guide

Loeb, William: Teddy Roosevelt’s secretary

MacAndrew Williams, Ensley: Harvard graduate, editor, fiancée of Austin O’Grady, friend of James Cullen Fraser (first appeared in The Sunstone Brooch)

MacIntyre, Archibald: Clay’s uncle

MacIntyre, Barclay “Clay” Archibald: Journalist, nephew of Archibald MacIntyre, friend of Patrick Mallory

Mallory, Amy: wife of Jack Mallory, mother of Patrick, Margaret Ann, and Carlton, ESPN sportscaster (first mentioned in The Broken Brooch)

Mallory, Jack: husband of Amy Spalding Mallory, father of Patrick, Margaret Ann, and Carlton, brother of Charlotte Mallory, best-selling author and playwright (first appeared in The Sapphire Brooch)

Mallory, Charlotte: wife of Braham McCabe and mother of Lincoln, Kitherina, and Amelia Rose, sister of Jack Mallory, surgeon (first appeared in The Sapphire Brooch)

Mallory, Patrick: adopted son of Jack and Amy Mallory, born as Patrick Wilson (first appeared in The Diamond Brooch)

Malone-O’Grady, Wilhelmina Penelope “Penny”: wife of Rick O’Grady, mother of Jean, Addison, and Avery, West Point graduate (first mentioned in The Pearl Brooch)

Martin, Rory: Street urchin in Buffalo 1901

McBain, Alice: mother of David (first appeared in The Last MacKlenna)

McBain, David: husband of Kenzie McBain, father of Henry, Robbie, Laurie Wallis, Alicyn, and Rebecca, President of MacKlenna Corporation, veteran, author (appears in all Brooch books except The Ruby Brooch)

McBain, Henry and Robbie: twin sons of David and Kenzie McBain (first appeared in The Broken Brooch)

McBain, Kenzie: wife of David McBain, mother of Henry, Robbie, Laurie Wallis, Alicyn, and Rebecca, veteran, West Point graduate, half sister of lawyer Jim Manning, MacKlenna Corporation attorney (first appeared in The Emerald Brooch)

McCabe, Braham: husband of Charlotte Mallory and father of Lincoln, Kitherina, and Amelia Rose; Jack Mallory’s brother-in-law, Kit MacKlenna Montgomery’s first cousin, former Union cavalry officer, lawyer, senator (appears in all Brooch books except The Last MacKlenna)

McKinley, William: 25th President of the USA

McNaughton, Mr.: TR’s host in the Adirondacks

McSorley, Phineas “Phin”: son of Roisin (first appeared in The Bloodstone Brooch)

McSorley, Roisin: mother of Phin and Tony, fiancée of Gabe Moretti (first appeared in The Bloodstone Brooch)

Montgomery, Cullen: husband of Kit MacKlenna Montgomery, lawyer, author, founder of Montgomery Winery (first appeared in The Ruby Brooch)

Montgomery, Kit MacKlenna: wife of Cullen Montgomery, goddaughter of Elliott Fraser, guardian of Emily Duffy, founder of Montgomery Winery (first appeared in The Ruby Brooch)

Montgomery, Meredith: wife of Elliott Fraser and mother of James Cullen, owner of Montgomery Winery (appears in all Brooch books except The Ruby Brooch)

Moretti, Gabriele “Gabe”: fiancé of Roisin McSorley, father of Aiden Byrnes (adopted), stepfather of Phin McSorley, General manager at Montgomery Winery in Tuscany (first appeared in The Diamond Brooch)

O’Grady, Austin: fiancé of Ensley Williams, son of JL O’Grady-Fraser and Chris Dalton, half brother of Blane and Lawrence Fraser, University of Kentucky graduate, NBA all-star (first appeared in The Broken Brooch)

O’Grady, Connor: husband of Olivia Kelly O’Grady, father of Betsy, brother of JL O’Grady-Fraser, Shane, Rick, and Jeff O’Grady, son of Retired Deputy Chief Lawrence “Pops” O’Grady, former NYPD detective, VP of Global Security for MacKlenna Corporation (first appeared in The Broken Brooch)

O’Grady-Fraser, Jenny “JL” Lynn: wife of Kevin Allen Fraser, mother of Austin O’Grady, Blane, and Lawrence Fraser, sister of Connor, Rick, Shane, and Jeff O’Grady, daughter of Retired Deputy Chief Lawrence “Pops” O’Grady, former NYPD detective, VP of Development and Operations MacKlenna Corporation (first appeared in The Broken Brooch)

O’Grady, Olivia Allison: wife of Connor O’Grady, mother of Elizabeth “Betsy,” older sister of Amber Kelly Grant, daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth Kelly, Realtor, lawyer (first mentioned in The Amber Brooch)

O’Grady, Patrick “Rick”: husband of Penny, father of Jean, Addison, and Avery, Marine, former NYPD detective, brother of JL, Connor, Shane, and Jeff, president of Montgomery Winery in Napa, son of Retired Deputy Chief Lawrence “Pops” O’Grady (first appeared in The Broken Brooch)

O’Grady, Shane: brother of JL, Connor, Rick, and Jeff (first mentioned in The Broken Brooch)

Orsini, Sophia: wife of Pete Parrino, mother of Lukas and Churchill (adopted), painter, artist, entrepreneur, granddaughter of Seamus Digby (first appeared in The Pearl Brooch)

Parrino, Pete: husband of Sophia Orsini, father of Lukas and Churchill (adopted), former NYPD detective, former Marine, VP for Global Security for MacKlenna Corporation, JL O’Grady-Fraser’s former NYPD partner (first appeared in The Broken Brooch)

Ricci, Isabella: granddaughter of Maria Ricci (first appeared in The Diamond Brooch)

Roosevelt, Edith: wife of Teddy Roosevelt, mother of Alice, Quentin, Archie, Kermit, Teddy Jr., Ethel

Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy”: vice president, future 26thUS president, husband of Edith Roosevelt, father of Quentin, Archie, Ethel, Kermit, Teddy Jr., Alice (first appeared in The Sunstone Brooch)

Stuart, Marcus: ex-husband of Samantha Stuart, archaeologist (first appeared in The Bloodstone Brooch)

Stuart, Mark: brother of Tavis Stuart, West Point graduate, husband of Nicole, father of Rocco (first mentioned in The Topaz Brooch)

Stuart, Samantha “Sam”: mother of Mark and Tavis Stuart, ex-wife of Marcus Stuart, godmother of Aislinn Kennedy, archaeologist (first mentioned in The Sunstone Brooch)

Stuart, Tavis: Naval Academy graduate, former SEAL, VP of Global Security for MacCorp., son of Erik, fiancé of Aislinn Kennedy, father of Joseph Stuart (first appeared in The Topaz Brooch)


Stop! Don’t read these notes unless you’ve read the story. It containers spoilers! 

When I started writing this book in August 2022, I knew I had to discover what was inside the cave. I didn’t know what was there until three weeks before I wrote the end of the story. The truth about Erik and Violet revealed itself a week later.

I write without an outline, one word at a time, one chapter at a time. The scene with Erik and Violet appeared on the page without thought or planning, so I was as surprised as you. It just happened. I miss him already and feel personally betrayed!

Why did he have to leave now? Why not wait until the next book or the next one? I thought about deleting that chapter, but I couldn’t. It just seemed right. The family opened the cave and found the rock and more treasure, but no answers. If the story had ended with just more antiquities, you would have been disappointed. That’s the way I felt when I finished the cave scene. I didn’t know where Violet went until she showed up inside the cave on MacKlenna Farm.

So, in a way, this is a strange but perfect ending. Erik and Violet were sent to establish a colony of exceptional people to fight evil and protect the planet. They were given all the resources they needed and left to their own devices and hopefully deal with their anger issues! In exchange, Erik and Violet returned home with some human emotions.

Did I deviate from history in this book? Just a wee bit. The assassination occurred just as I wrote it. The only part I altered was TR’s trip to the Adirondacks. His return trip was well documented, although no one fell down the side of a cliff, but his trip up Mount Marcy was sketchy. I couldn’t find a consistent list of everyone on the adventure. But all in all, it’s a good recounting of Teddy’s nine-day ride to the presidency.

And I did change the Secretary of the Treasury’s name and family for this story. The real secretary was Lyman J. Gage.

What’s next for the clan? Remy is going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras in THE JASPER BROOCH. That’s all I know right now.

I’m excited to see what happens with Clay, Rory, and Robert. They are interesting characters with lots of possibilities. Will Robert and Isabella end up together? I don’t know. It seems too easy.

What about JC and Emily? We’re all glad to see them together, but is their story finished? No. JC’s character arc has a long way to go and will continue over the rest of the series, like Elliott and Meredith.

If you have questions about THE MOONSTONE BROOCH or want to comment on the ending, send them to me or post them in the Celtic Brooch Facebook Group, and I’ll try to answer them. The ending is tempting to share with others, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from spilling the beans to my editors. I hope you’re able to keep the surprise ending without much stress.

Until next time, blessings to all, Katherine

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Denise Hewson

So exciting! The book cover is stunning btw.


Me, Me, Me!!! I’m The One for Remy! Pleeeeaze – Send him to my time! I have Loved that you added him as a character in you series! Did you imagine when you opened The Ruby Brooch book?!?! I will be sad when I don’t get to peek into the McKennana family and their friendships.

But Sincerely, Thank you.


I am glad Remy is next to get his soulmate. Hopefully he goes back in time to NOLA and we hear from Jean Lafitte again.

Joyce Glover

Thanks for doing this! I referred to the one in the book frequently while reading. Although I noticed Emily Duffy does not have her own listing, just mentioned in the description of her parents.

Diana Stoinea

This book and series of books are brilliant. I was mind blown by the revealings and also intrigued by what will come next. Slainte to the future stories, and to quote Elliot Fraser: ‘May God hold ye in the palm of His hand.’

Last edited 1 year ago by Diana Stoinea

How was Erik resurrected in Moonstone? He died and was returned to 1200s for grand Viking funeral. I’m about 1/10th into the book.


I completely skipped the Bloodstone Brooch. I swear I bought it and was in line to read after Sunstone. Instead I jumped to Moonstone. No wonder there were so many missing pieces! Ugh! Reading it now.

Erica Hay

Very excited for this book as I have been for all of them. The complexity and details are beyond compare in this series. Absolutely love every single book!

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