Pete and Sophia

I just read another review from a reader disappointed because Pete and Sophia didn’t have more of a storyline in The Pearl Brooch.  Please don’t be disappointed. You will see much more of them in The Topaz Brooch. They will join Rick in his adventure to find and rescue Wilhemina Penelope Malone. So hang on…




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Judy K

I have just finished reading the entire series. What a brilliant body of work! I am blown away. Nobody should be disappointed. Every story is gripping. Trust the author, folks. She doesn’t put anything in the stories that is out of place…and she always plants little seeds for the future books. Wonderful stories! Keep writing. Huzzah!

Sarah Coyne

Any idea when will the Topaz Brooch will be released?

Zelia Paul

It’s getting close to the end of the year and I am getting anxious!


When will we see topaz? Thanks for the great books, the characters and their adventures are a blast!!!


I just saw the answer…duh! Lol. Well done!

Nancy Hunter

love, Love, LOVE this series!! ETA on when the Topaz Brooch will be published?

Auntie M

I have read & re-read all of the series. Can’t wait for the next one to come out! Well, you have two weeks left in this year, so……

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