MacCorp News October 2023
What's New? I'm hard at work on The Moonstone Brooch, hoping to release the book by the end of the year. Right now it seems doable (if Maddie the Mauder will stay off my research), but I still don't know for sure what's behind the cave door and how it fits in with the series. In a couple of months…
MacCorp News September 2023
What readers think about James Cullen Fraser's special abilities: I think James Cullen was born with special abilities and his education and environment and Mensa brain has enhanced them. I believe it is a combination of both. I think James Cullen was born with special abilities. Probably both but I think his DNA plays more of a part and is actually…
MacCorp News August 2023
What's Behind the Door in the Cave? I loved all the 42 suggestions you made last month. Here's a sampling: An explanation about the origin/history/powers of the brooches. A travel portal. Information about the ancestry of those tied to the brooches. A treasure. A door to the past will open where just one or two can go back and…
MacCorp News July 2023
What's New? In my life... I'm spending the summer on Long Island, New York, with grandchildren and Maddie, my Goldendoodle. Every morning we go to the beach so she can play with her dog buddies and I can do a "walk and talk" with their owners. Noon is pool time and she chases her tennis balls in and out of…
MacCorp News June 2023
The Celtic Brooch Series Timeline: Time Fix When I started writing the Celtic Brooch Series, I only planned to write three books (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald). I did my best to keep up with all the names and ages, but I didn't always get it right. That's how Patrick O'Grady became Rick O'Grady after Patrick Mallory showed up and how…