Book Research Trip to Italy

I’ve posted pictures from my book research trip (The Pearl Brooch) to Italy on my blog. Stop by…

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Cathy Hallock

love these


Is there a projected time for the release of The Pearl Brooch?

Suzanne Furth

Oh I am in love with your series! You do such a great job bringing the history of a location into dimension and wonderful locations to life.
I see that the Diamond Brooch will come at Christmas time, have the Pearl and Three Brooches been published (in any format) yet?? Please keep the series looks like there is a whole new generation to weave into “adventures”!

Terri Schnitzius

When will the Three Brooches be available in the audio format? I have listened to the whole series and am anxiously awaiting the rest of the series. BTW Awesome books !!


I am so looking forward to the Diamond and Pearl Brooches! You have an awesome talent for combining the past and present! LOVE IT!


I am a huge fan of the audio book versions as it is difficult for me to read for extended periods. The narration has been great & brings your books to life.
I am excited about the next two books in the series, Diamond & Pearl, and gems I am sure they will be.
Can you tell me if the audible version of The Diamond Brooch will be real eased in June/2017 along with the hardcover book. If not, can you tell me when to expect the audible version.

Jennifer Parsons

Garnet Brooch, Legend says Garnets light up the night and protect their owners from nightmares. Garnets have long been carried by travelers to protect against accidents far from home. – Time Travel Forward instead of back. We get to meet James Cullens and Lincolns and all the kids GGG-Grandchildren. This could be about saving Elliot and Meridiths lives in regards to the Big C. I have had historical time travel romance book ideas stuck in my head for years but can never seem to write them. I’d be glad to give you ideas at anytime so I can enjoy your… Read more »

Joanne Sackett

I love all of your “Brooch” books and can’t wait for the Diamond and Pearl Brooch books to come out. And I’m excited that you have plans to keep adding to your series. Love them all!


curious as to when the Diamond Brooch will be released


really can’t wait.

Jan Zwick

Loved the Diamond Brooch and all the historical background. So well written.
can’t wait for next book. How far away?


Is the Pearl Brooch still coming soon? Can’t wait for the Amber Brooch! I’ve read all of the series so far and am anxiously awaiting the next!

Ginny Copsey

Let me start by saying I LOVE YOUR BOOKS! I just started the books via audible. I am in love with all the characters in the Broach series! With that being said I was shocked when I started the Pearl broach this morning and Teri Schnaubelt is not the narrator!! Oh my gosh I’m heartbroken. Its like someone has taken all the characters and changed them. I can’t relate with this new narrator. The McKenna clan disappeared. Maybe they left on another adventure and took Teri with them. I’m going to muddle through. But please consider Teri for the next… Read more »

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